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fully managed by OctaByte

BookStack is a free, open-source, opinionated wiki system that provides a pleasant, simple, out-of-the-box experience. Based on Laravel, a PHP framework, BookStack is released under the MIT License. It uses the ideas of books to organize pages and store information. New users should find the experience intuitive. Only basic word-processing skills should be required to get involved in creating content on BookStack.

Start free BookStack trial with OctaByte. Simple no-tricks Pricing, Scalable & Secure, just in $22.

BookStack dashboard

Benefits of BookStack fully managed by OctaByte

Deploy a fully managed instance of BookStack in just $22. You can relax knowing that we are taking care of installation, configuration, encryption, security, backups, live monitoring, software & OS updates.

Simple no-tricks pricing
Enjoy transparent and straightforward pricing with no hidden fees or complex terms.
No vendor lock-in
You can migrate your software and data to any where any time you want. With OctaByte you are totally free and in control.
Automated Updates
Let's save your business a lot of hassle, whilst ensuring that you get the performance and security benefits of regularly updated software and systems.
Encrypted Everything
All connections between your computer, the dashboard and your services are encrypted end-to-end with TLS, and all data is encrypted at rest.

BookStack screenshots

BookStack screenshot
BookStack screenshot

BookStack features Highlight

Searchable and connected
The content in BookStack is fully searchable. You are able to search at book level or across all books, chapters and pages. The ability to link directly to any paragraph allows you to keep your documentation connected.
Simple requirements
BookStack is built using PHP, on top of the Laravel framework, and uses MySQL to store data. With performance in mind.
Powerful features
On top of the powerful search and linking, there is also cross-book sorting, page revisions and image management. A full role and permission system allows you to lock down content and actions as required.
Integrated authentication
As well as the default email/password log-in, social providers such as GitHub, Google, Slack, AzureAD and more can be used. Okta, SAML2 and LDAP options are available for enterprise environments.

Start your BookStack trial now!