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fully managed by OctaByte

Misskey is a Decentralized Platform for server owners to make their instances of Misskey, and they can all talk to each other! There are large instances for the masses, smaller ones for groups, fandoms, and subcultures, and even instances just for individuals and their friends. Want to have even more control? You can make your instance on your server with relative ease, cutting ties with any large company that wants to spy on you and sell your data. Misskey is about community and sharing, not corporations and big tech. Have friends not on Misskey? No problem! Because Misskey is on the Fediverse (ActivityPub), you can interact with people on other platforms like Mastodon, PixelFed, PeerTube, and more!

Start free Misskey trial with OctaByte. Simple no-tricks Pricing, Scalable & Secure, just in $22.

Misskey dashboard

Benefits of Misskey fully managed by OctaByte

Deploy a fully managed instance of Misskey in just $22. You can relax knowing that we are taking care of installation, configuration, encryption, security, backups, live monitoring, software & OS updates.

Simple no-tricks pricing
Enjoy transparent and straightforward pricing with no hidden fees or complex terms.
No vendor lock-in
You can migrate your software and data to any where any time you want. With OctaByte you are totally free and in control.
Automated Updates
Let's save your business a lot of hassle, whilst ensuring that you get the performance and security benefits of regularly updated software and systems.
Encrypted Everything
All connections between your computer, the dashboard and your services are encrypted end-to-end with TLS, and all data is encrypted at rest.

Misskey screenshots

Misskey screenshot

Misskey features Highlight

Misskey is a decentralized platform, so communities on different servers can connect.
Misskey is both easy to understand for beginners and has powerful features for advanced users.
Highly Customizable
Make Misskey yours! With themes, widgets, layouts, and more, you make Misskey just the way you like it.
Hate not being able to find something you uploaded? With Drive, you get managed and powerful cloud storage right in your social media!

Start your Misskey trial now!